Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho Off to Iraq we go...

The 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment of the Tennessee National Guard will be heading to Iraq come Spring 2009, thus saith the Department of Defense. This will be shortly after either Sen. Clinton, Sen. Obama, or Sen. McCain take office, and just in time for the Easter festivities. It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy when I see that they are taking those that defend the state of Tennessee against natural disasters, terrorism, etc.. are sen to Iraq instead of being here to protect us.

The article in the Tennessean states that "Though Harris said the exact deployment date isn't clear, the notice will give soldiers "more of a head start and more time to be able to take care of any issues.""...ya know like stupid things like family and friends, and their life...I know these people joined the military, it was volunteer, but why must we continue to send our Tennessee family over into that country to risk their life for a never ending war?

As Tennesseans, the vast majority of us opposed to Bush's war, we must lobby to begin to return our friends and family to the US, not send more of them abroad. Sigh, it's like we just don't care anymore.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People said the exact same shit when we started getting involved in World War II.
It is a "never ending war"
Because it is only the beging of many, many more wars yet to come in the next few years.
No matter who is in office.
War is coming!
Bet it.
Also, it is not our responsibility to dictate what "Tennessean" in the national gaurd stays home.
If they dont want to go...... they can AWOL out.
Otherwise, dont joil the military if you dont want to be deployed and fight!